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LED BOX PLUS 300x200 cm is, above all, high quality. It is also easy to install, and the professional LED backlight gives the graphics printed on it intense and vivid colors. Make your brand stand out today by taking advantage of our wide range of advertising products.
LED BOX PLUS 300x200 cm is a product that attracts attention and stands out from the competition. Focusing on innovation, we offer particularly intense backlighting, ensuring optimal visibility of prints. Our LED Plus wall is also extremely practical - thanks to the possibility of expansion, you can purchase additional elements, depending on your individual needs. Visit our LED wall category and see for yourself! Are you looking for effective and striking advertising solutions? Check out our textile walls and LED light boxes. With us, your brand will always be at the forefront!
We accept files for printing in the following formats: PDF, TIFF (flattened, LZW compression) and JPG
GRAPHIC SIZE: 304x204 cm
VISIBLE AREA : 300x200 cm
BLEED: 2 cm
RESOLUTION: 100-150 dpi
COLOR: CMYK, optimal black setting is C 100%, M 100%, Y 100%, K 100%.
- do not use overprints (prints),
- convert all texts to curves,
- save bitmaps in 100-150 dpi resolution.
ul. Poznańska 131
60-185 Skórzewo k. Poznania
NIP: 7792469235, REGON: 368036010, KRS: 0000690323